Costellos offer an electrical test and inspection consultancy to ensure you, the customer, get exactly what you require of your testing service. Just asking for an electrical inspection and test on a building is asking a contractor to write their own specification. This specification can be as detailed, or not, as they want, so will not get you a level playing field for quotations. It also may not meet your legal requirements and despite you not knowing these, it is your responsibility to prove they have been met. Just ordering the work is not enough in this day and age. Our consultancy service is designed to provide as little, or as much help as is required in this process of writing specifications, vetting contractors and witness testing as required. The following list is comprehensive and the service can be made up of the individual components: - Initial meeting with client to discuss their requirements - Site visit to take all relevant details of installation - Write specification detailing exact requirements and legal needs for the inspection - Gain list of contractors to be approved for this work - Issue specification to contractors for quotation - Review quotations with client - Witness test work in progress to confirm specification compliance - Review completed inspection and test with client Any or all of the above can be used to assist in your inspection and testing needs. Please contact us to discuss this service if it is of interest to you.